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The Poet's Treasure
Book 3 in the
Within the Walls trilogy
by Stephanie Bennett
Genre: Fiction, Science Fiction
Paperback 258 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-9909616-4-2
Available in the Wild Flower Press Shop, at Amazon.com, and other fine booksellers
ISBN-13: 978-0-9909616-3-5
$9.95, available through
Amazon.com in the Apple iStore, at Smashwords, and many fine ebook sellers.
Synopsis & Characters
The Within the Walls trilogy chronicles the life of Emilya Hoffman Bowes Florencia—technological genius, collaborator in the newest wave of “tek” enhancements to hit the market, and creator of virtual vacations. As Book 3, The Poet's Treasure opens, Emilya has returned to City Centre, a place where the inhabitants are told they are the last of Earth's population, kept safe from the toxic world outside by remaining within the confines of their tiny homes. Their tek enables them to listen in on the thoughts and conversations of others around them—and participate in a busy, virtual existence where uniqueness and true rest are unknown.
Emilya is beginning to see the gulf between the face-to-face relationships she is now experiencing and the virtual existence of the people in City Centre. She can't help but wonder if she can use her expertise in virtual imaging to entice people out of the illusory security of their neatly edited icons and pre-packaged food—out into the majestic, wild world and true community that are available beyond their walls.
For Emilya's husband, Vidde, City Centre is as foreign as Mars would be to moonwalkers but for the sake of love, he wades into her world. While the intracacies and intrigues of the social order here may escape him--perhaps he sees "life" in City Centre with a clarity that has escaped Emilya thus far.
Reviews of The Poet's Treasure
"In The Poet's Treasure, the final installment of her futuristic trilogy, Within the Walls, Stephanie Bennett again tackles the tensions that exist in an American culture gone awry. . . In reading this trilogy, you will be confronted with the serious issues regarding the impact of technology on human community. I encourage you to step into the Within the Walls narrative and be challenged to consider what life is really about!"
-- JON ZENS, author of No Will of My Own: How Patriarchy Smothers Female Dignity and Personhood
"The Poet’s Treasure is a compelling read about the inner turmoil we all face between the community our hearts crave and the technology that too often undermines it, especially when it seeks to control us rather than serve us. Stephanie Bennett offers up a satisfying end to her Within the Walls trilogy, an incisive story sorts through the most difficult issues of our age."
--WAYNE JACOBSEN, author of Finding Church, He Loves Me, and co-author of The Shack
Within the Walls trilogy
The books in this series are intended to spotlight the illusion that we can achieve perfection, happiness, fulfillment, or genuine relation-ships, within a virtual bubble. As media outlets, corporations, and advertisers seek to wrap the tangible world with simulations of life, humanity needs to consider where the passive acceptance of all things technological may take us.
MORE about the Within the Walls trilogy
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