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Short Lessons from Daniel
For Resilient Faith that shines
in all Circumstances
© Terry L. Craig 2019
Regardless of the "times" we are in, those who know God are responsible to reflect the hope he has given us in Jesus. As we read the book of Daniel, we can glean insight for living for the Lord in every circumstance.
When we first encounter Daniel in the pages of Scripture, he has lost his entire family, his upper-class life, and his homeland. He has been taken captive to live a life of service to an evil regime. Once he is in his new country, Babylon, they attempt to completely strip away his former life and identity (as a Jew) by changing his name and commanding that he be trained in the wisdom and magic arts of his new country. None of this was chosen by Daniel, and yet . . .
Daniel DIDN'T:
See his faith or his fate connected to any government of this world
See approval of others as a necessary component of his joy, life, or faith
Try to force his understanding of God upon the government
Let fear make his decisions.
Daniel DID:
Worship God regardless of threats
Continuously pray for wisdom in the midst of every circumstance
Share that wisdom when he was asked for it and gave God credit for it
Remain respectful of others
Genuinely care for those around him
Pray FOR Nebuchadnezzar (the leader who had him taken captive)
Seek to remain faithful in all things—regardless of who was in leadership.
Lord help us to live like that!
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