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Articles on the End Times
What Jesus Said about the Last Days
Here is the latest in a series of articles on the Last Days. People often "study" and talk about this topic--but few take the time to read what the Lord actually said on the "End Times."
The Rapture and the Early Church
Why did people in the Early Church think the rapture might happen any time? It probably isn't for the reasons you've been told.
The Last Days According to Paul the Apostle
A look at 2 Thessalonians and the sequence Paul gave for the last days.
More than 40 years after Terry was called to write this book, many of the "sci-fi" plot points are already in the rear-view mirror and more are on the doorstep.
Regardless of the "times" we are in, those who know God are responsible to reflect the hope he has given us in Jesus. As we read the book of Daniel, we can glean insight for living for the Lord in every circumstance.
Chicken Little and the Mark of the Beast
Christians need to be careful here and not become like today's version of the children's story, Chicken Little, shrieking about an imminent calamity that never seems to arrive.
What people need more than a bunker
How we live shows where we've put our faith.
The Dangers of End Time Theories
Christians need to reconsider their dogmatic commitments to End Time theories.
Are You a Wise Virgin or a Foolish One?
Check out our FREE study of the parable Jesus told about the Wise and Foolish Virgins.
Written by Terry L. Craig and Jo Ann Halvorson
PART 2 of our FREE, 2 Part study of the parable Jesus told about the Wise and Foolish Virgins.
Written by Terry L. Craig and Jo Ann Halvorson
Christian Life & Church
Have you ever read 1 Corinthians 13 and replaced the word "love" with "Jesus"? Reading the passage this way does no injustice to it, but rather clarifies our understanding of the One who IS Love. It brings into view the fact that we cannot just show love, we need to HAVE love, and to allow Love to have US.
Bringing "Relative Truths" into the Light
COMPARTMENTALIZATION is when we allow contradictory ideas to be held as "truths" (accepted, believed)—because they remain separate from each other (and are never applied to a complete picture).
Should We Think of Church as a "Hospital"?
Although it sounds good, is it God's idea?
How well do we represent the One who is Unafraid?
Jesus can be the peace in the midst of your storm
When we're desperate, we search for answers.
(to save the world around her)
She swallowed her pride and her fear then took a big risk for the sake of those around her.
Regardless of the "times" we are in, those who know God are responsible to reflect the hope he has given us in Jesus. As we read the book of Daniel, we can glean insight for living for the Lord in every circumstance.
The purpose of the Scions of the Aegean C series
Chicken Little and the Mark of the Beast
Taking a wiser approach to discussions on the End Times
How God raised my old, atheist father from death and saved him.
Are we holding God's hand, or is He holding ours?
Our all-time most visited article about the real meaning of the terms Church, God's temple, and God's house.
Telling the Truth through Fiction
Why God sometimes uses fiction to make His point.
Discernment isn't just a spiritual gift, granted to a select few, the Bible says we can learn and grow in discerning good from evil.
Exploring the different views of the term "Christian Mystic" may bring some surprises to people on both sides of the issue.
How willing are we to bruise one another over different styles of worship, different interpretations of the Bible?
Science Fiction and Our Brokenness
More Christian writers should consider the harvest field available in science fiction readers.
Are Truth & Love the Romeo & Juliet of the Bible?
The witness of Jesus calls for both truth AND love, not one OR the other.
A quest against what we hate can morph us into the very things we despise.
Learning to Hit the Mark
Writing our Stories (from Inside the Ticking Clock)
The call to write comes with limitations.
PRAYER that Connects with God
(to save the world around her)
She swallowed her pride and her fear then took a big risk for the sake of those around her.
Learning to Hit the Mark
A Word of Wisdom for God's Spiritual Warriors.
Never give up praying! How God raised my old, atheist father from death and saved him.
Bible Studies / Apologetics
What Jesus Said about the Last Days
While many people believe we're living in the Last Days, few of them study what the Lord said about those times. In three of the Gospels, Jesus told us how they will unfold. This article compares the texts of all three Gospels with footnotes and cross-references.
(to save the world around her)
She swallowed her pride and her fear then took a big risk for the sake of those around her.
The Last Days According to Paul the Apostle
The sequence Paul gave for the last days in 2 Thessalonians.
Are You a Wise Virgin or a Foolish One?
PART 1 of our FREE, 2 Part study of the parable Jesus told about the Wise and Foolish Virgins.
Written by Terry L. Craig and Jo Ann Halvorson
PART 2 of our FREE, 2 Part study of the parable Jesus told about the Wise and Foolish Virgins.
Written by Terry L. Craig and Jo Ann Halvorson
Is Reincarnation in the Bible?
Some of the people who believe in reincarnation think that they can find Scripture verses that support it. This study explores some of those verses and gives a short apologetc on the topic.
Written by Terry L. Craig
Many people in our fellowships today don't realize the crippling, deadly, defiling effect of bitterness.
Written by Terry L. Craig
Supernatural in the Church
Introduction: Prophecies, Visions, Dreams, Angels & Miracles
Introduction to a ten part series which will explore the subject of the Supernatural in the Church--what the Bible has to say about it, and what we should question.
Square One: What do YOU Believe?
Part 1 in the Series on the supernatural in the Church. Truth can elude those who (for whatever reason) don't want to know it. Are you willing to let GOD be God?
Seeking help from a Saint? Wisdom from an Angel?
Part 2 in the Series on the Supernatural in the Church. Many have been taught to seek the help of angels or saints. Is this what the Bible teaches?
Is God Speaking to Us and Giving "Signs" in the Here and Now?
Part 3 in the Series on the Supernatural in the Church. A discussion of what might (or might not) constitute proof that God is speaking to us.
Who is "Qualified" to Hear from God or Angels?
Part 4 in the Series on the supernatural in the Church. Many Christians have unscriptural ideas when it comes to thinking about who God might use or speak to.
False Ideas We have about People God Can (or Can't) Use.
Part 5 in the Series on the supernatual in the Church. Addressing the falsehoods.
Examples of Healing: Yes, No, & Definitely!
Part 6 in the Series on the supernatual in the Church. A brief overview of healing and three examples where it did and didn't happen.
Prophecy, a simple description
Part 7 in the Series on the supernatural in the Church. What is prophecy? What is false prophecy? Are they still in operation today?
Personal Prophecy--Is it real? Should we seek it?
Part 8 in the Series on the supernatural discusses what some call "getting a word."
Part 9 in the Series on the supernatural. There are diverse opinions on what makes a true or false prophet. Find out what the Bible says on the topic.
The New Apostolic Revival . . . ?
Are the new apostles going to put the world in order to bring days of prosperity and wondrous revival before the return of the Lord?
Part 10 in the Series on the Supernatural in the Church. A Word of Wisdom for God's Spiritual Warriors
Our Books--Storylines & Reviews
The purpose of the Scions of the Aegean C series
Description and reviews of Tonya Brown's 21 day devotional
Story line of the Within the Walls trilogy
About Stephanie Bennett's futuristic trilogy and its main character, Emilya, who is a creator of virtual vacations.
Reviews for Breaking the Silence
What readers are saying about Book 2 in the Within the Walls trilogy.
The Fellowship of the Mystery trilogy
More about the central themes of the three novels, GATEKEEPER, SOJOURNER, and SWORDSMAN
Written in 1999, this political thriller spoke of a time when national security, poverty, racism, and terrorism would become the major concerns in a presidential campaign--eerily foreshadowing an America increasingly under siege.
What happens if all the popular predictions are wrong?
Apocalyptic fiction that isn't about when Christians leave but how they will live.
Read our article on the technological, social, medical, and economic threads in SWORDSMAN that are now reality or on the horizon.
About Book 1 of Terry L. Craig's new Coming-of-Age series in the genre of Steampunk.
Through the Land of Cloud and Leaf
About Book 2 of Terry L. Craig's new Scions of of the Aegean C series
About book 3 of Terry L. Craig's New, Scions of the Aegean C series
A look at this growing genre of fiction.